SAP Assessments

SAP Assessments

The precursor for further energy efficiency assessments

What is a SAP Assessment?

The Standard Assessment Procedure (or SAP) is a way of rating how energy efficient a residential dwelling will be once it is built. Building regulations require a SAP certificate for all new residential developments, conversions or extensions. Once completed, the SAP rating will be used to produce an EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) – another legal requirement for commencement of building work. The SAP rating will also highlight areas where energy efficiency can be improved prior to building work. The ratings are 1-100+, 100 meaning the dwelling has no energy costs at all and 100+ indicates that you are actually exporting energy.

Do I Need a SAP Assessment?

If you’re planning on building a completely new dwelling then building regulations require you to have a SAP assessment completed in order to proceed with the predicted EPC. If you wish to convert a building then you may be required to have a SAP assessment in order to proceed (e.g. adding a large amount of glazing would require a SAP). You’re highly likely to need a SAP assessment for extensions as these are almost guaranteed to have more CO2 emmissions.

What is Included in SAP Calculations?

As the dwelling in question does not exist yet, SAP calculations are determined through examining building designs and specifications. Some of the key areas to consider are the central heating & hot water systems, lighting (internal), structural elements, air leakage and of course any renewable energy systems which could be installed.

How is a SAP Different to an EPC?

The SAP is essentially a prediction of the Energy Performance Certificate. The Standard Assessment Procedure must be conducted before any building work begins and then the EPC is completed once the construction of the dwelling is finished. If all construction work goes as per the original designs then the EPC should be solid proof of the SAP.

Schedule a SAP?

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